Taiwan, officially the Republic of China, is a state in East Asia. Neighboring states include the People's Republic of China to the north-west, Japan to the north-east, and the Philippines to the south
Travel Durations
Travel Durations - slider
7D6N Western Taiwan & Qingjing Farm 宝岛台湾西部+清境农场 7 日之旅 
5D4N Taiwan
7D6N Taiwan with Alishan 台湾宝岛西部+阿里山森呼吸 7 日之旅
6D5N Taiwan with Farmstay
6D5N Taiwan Classic  台湾经典 6 日之旅 
8D7N Taiwan Themepark & Farm Fun 台湾农场亲子 8 日之旅 
8D7N Taiwan Round Island & Alishan
7D6N Northern Taiwan with Hualien
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